Raster projection shift

Alessandro Pasotti ale.pas at TISCALI.IT
Thu Sep 8 23:56:54 PDT 2005

Il 20:13, giovedì 08 settembre 2005, Armin Burger ha scritto:
> Alessandro,
> you could try the parameter +towgs84=-225,-65,9,0,0,0,0 for the
> projection definition of the Gauss-Boaga/Monte Mario data to force a
> datum shift (taken from
> http://dbwww.essc.psu.edu/lasdoc/overview/geomreg/dtm_list.html, "Datum
> : (210) ROME 1940") and see if the data match better then.

Thank very much to Armin and Frank for the help, this solved the problem:


I had to try several values, and now they perfectly match.

I love mapserver!!!

Alessandro Pasotti
ICQ# 245871392
Linux User #167502

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