STATUS in LAYER object
J. Parapar
listario at GMAIL.COM
Fri Sep 9 08:39:11 PDT 2005
Hello all.
Regarding this ¿what is the difference between STATUS ON and STATUS
OFF? In a CGI request both STATUS seem to have a similar effect, I can
activate the "OFF" layer with the layer paramater in the request. ¿Is
the diffence only in WMS/WFS petitions?
2005/9/9, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at>:
> Gregory Yetman wrote:
> >
> > Rather than changing the flag, I think that perhaps the documentation
> > just needs some additional info. It's not obvious from the definition of
> > STATUS when you should use ON vs. DEFAULT.
> >
> Please feel free to help contribute to the documentation, and add what
> you think is missing. allows you to add comments
> to the docs (for example you could add a note in the LAYER section of
> the mapfile reference)...or I also see that an FAQ exists for your same
> issue (feel free to
> add to it).
> There are some versioning differences with the old site's docs and this
> one, but hopefully that will be resolved soon.
> thanks!
> jeff
> --
> Jeff McKenna
> DM Solutions Group Inc.
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