make a layer "queryable"

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Fri Sep 9 21:10:09 PDT 2005

A layer is queryable if it has a template defined for query presentation. A line

  TEMPLATE 'dummy'

will suffice. You also must set a line like:


for WMS feature queries to work. Doesn't have anything to do with WCS. The
WMS how-to on the main MapServer site contains example mapfile snippets...


>>> Nate Reed <nate at SEASTAR.JPL.NASA.GOV> 09/09/05 8:51 PM >>>
Can someone point me to some documentation for how to make a MapServer 
layer "queryable" (this was the term used in Chameleon's documentation)?

I am setting up a WMS server and want to use Chameleon or some other 
WMS-capable client to deliver maps and to provide querying functionality.  
I assume supporting query involves using another OGC protocol (WCS)?


Nate Reed
Physical Oceanography DAAC
Jet Propulsion Lab / Raytheon ITSS
(626)744-5528  nate at

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