query by attributes / queryByShape / queryByPoint

Shashi Gireddy gireddy at GMAIL.COM
Tue Sep 13 09:11:24 PDT 2005

Hi everybody,

I am trying to do query on my maps, I am neither getting erros nor my
query results, I tried queryByShape, queryByRectangle, queryByPoint
and then queryByAttribute..... none of them worked,

here is my code for query by attribute:

                 $layerObj = $map->getLayer(0);
                 echo $layerObj->name;
               /*  $shp1=ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT);
                    echo $shp1->index;
                    else echo "sorry";  */
                $layerObj->queryByAttributes('pop_1990','[pop_1990]' >
                echo $layerObj->getNumResults();

the output tht i get is: counties0 that means $layerObj is perfect and
its name is counties
0 means it did return 0 results..... which is wrong.

It gave the same answer when i tried query by Shape here is the code..
$shapeObj = $layerObj->getShape(-1, 10);
$st = $layerObj->queryByShape($shapeObj);
if($st == MS_SUCCESS){
	$shapefound = $map->queryByIndex(1, -1, 10, MS_FALSE);
	$imageObj = $map->drawQuery();
	echo $shapefound."FOUND";
echo "<BR>".$image_url;
echo "<BR>".$image_url1;
help appreciated..

Thanks alot in advance.
Thank you,

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