Mapserver and threading
Paul Ramsey
Sun Sep 18 12:51:53 PDT 2005
You might want to play with the FCGI options in Mapserver a bit, if
you are using PostGIS as a backend (or any database, really) since
there is a small (in the PostGIS case) or large (in the Oracle)
connection penalty for each CGI instantiation, and FCGI spreads that
out over multiple map requests.
On 17-Sep-05, at 9:17 PM, Shawn Wallbridge wrote:
> On 17-Sep-05, at 10:00 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>> On 9/17/05, Shawn Wallbridge <shawn at> wrote:
>>> I am contemplating the machine I want to run Mapserver on and I am
>>> trying to decide between a a couple of machines.
>>> Has anyone run Mapserver on a 4+ CPU machine? Does it thread very
>>> well?
>>> PostGIS will be running on a different machine (Quad Processor Sun
>>> e450 with 4GB of Ram, lots of SCSI disks running Solaris 10).
>> Shawn,
>> The common way of running MapServer is as a cgi (either mapserv
>> itself, or a mapscript cgi). In this form, each cgi request will
>> run on
>> a single CPU but several requests can be effectively serviced at a
>> time.
>> It is also possible to run MapServer in a multi-threaded way. I
>> would have to say that this is not so widely used, and consequently
>> somewhat risky.
>> So, if you are running as a cgi, then you will be able to support
>> more
>> requests on a multi-cpu system than on a single cpu system assuming
>> you find things are cpu bound. Of course, in many cases things are
>> really input/output or memory bound in which case the multi-cpus will
>> give relatively little benefit.
>> Best regards,
> Thanks, I guess I wasn't thinking, because I _should_ have known
> that ;-)
> So the 14 Processor Sun E4000 it is ;-)
> shawn
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