64bit/Dual Core Issues and Recommendations?

Bill Binko bill at BINKO.NET
Sun Sep 18 19:18:22 PDT 2005

> Bill, 
> I don't have direct experience unfortunately, but I have heard a
> few complaints about 64bit AMD support as well for GDAL.  If I 
> were you and looking for a "safe" bet I would stick with a 32bit
> solution. 
> If anyone out there has an Opteron system running linux that
> they would like to provide me with a testing account on, I would
> be interested in building and testing some components (ie 
> GDAL, MapServer). 

I'd like to thank everyone for the feedback on this.  I must say it's 
mixed :-(

I am in an interesting situation, however: while my hardware needs will 
(hopefuly) grow to be considerable, my initial risk (in terms of real $$) 
is fairly low.  Even an occasional down time would be acceptable until 
about January, when I expect to ramp up usage.

Therefore, I'm considering the following strategy.  I think it will
provide the highest potential reward, while leaving me a fall-back 
position without looking too much investment.

I plan on going ahead with a dual 64-bit Opteron system.  I haven't
decided on dual-core or not.  I also have considered starting with a
single dual-core CPU and adding another near the end of my test cycle.  
That might save me cash if I decide I have to scrap this and go to a more 
conventional system -- I am leaning toward just getting two CPUs up front.

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