Special characters in mapfile

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Mon Sep 19 11:55:56 PDT 2005


We have a situation where we would like to include the micro sign special character as part of a CLASS NAME in a mapfile.

I initially thought that this could have be written as escaped HTML entities, like µ or µ, but neither of those worked in the mapfile.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


-----Original Message-----
From: Houle,Marcel [Montreal] 
Sent: Monday, 19 September, 2005 14:40
To: Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
Subject: Question 

Hi Tom,

Do you know how to include special characters in a CLASS object within a mapfile ?

I have many maps in mapinfo polygons format that I want to include in a WMS service.

Each map shows concentrations of contaminants in sediments.

The concentrations are in differents units, among them is microgram/gram. The abreviation for this is µg/g

Now, in the mapfile, I use this code to represent each thematic class in the polygons file :

       NAME "Hg 0.075-0.140 µg/g"
       EXPRESSION ([Upper]=0.140056)
       COLOR 0 255 255
       OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 255

The 'µ' symbol in the NAME parameter does not appear in the resulting legend (it is replaced by something else). Is there a way to use special characters like 'µ'  in the NAME parameter of a CLASS object ?

See GetMap result attached


Marcel Houle
Chargé de projets en géomatique
Centre Saint-Laurent
Environnement Canada
105, rue McGill, 7e étage
Montréal, Québec H2Y 2E7
marcel.houle at ec.gc.ca

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