Performance cgi vs php mapscript

Leonhard Dietze dietze at GEOINFORM.FH-MAINZ.DE
Tue Sep 20 23:53:51 PDT 2005

Hello List,

first of all: Thanks for all the helpful emails
that I find each day in the mailing-lists to solve
various problems using UMN.

Unfortunately there is something where I haven't
yet found any answer-thread to: regarding the
performance between mapserver running as cgi and
using phpMapscript-Module. Is it much slower to
use (php)Mapscript? Or is the difference not too
Does somebody has any experiences with that?
Or did any comparisons/benchmarks/performance

I only found similar questions to this topic:

Thanks a lot for any replys on this posting.

Institute i3mainz
University of Applied Sciences Mainz
Holzstraße 36
D - 55116 Mainz (Germany)

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