
Till Adams adams at TERRESTRIS.DE
Wed Sep 21 03:29:51 PDT 2005

Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Hi all.
> We need to develop a simple routing map, based on MapInfo files (but we can 
> esily switch to PostGIS if needed). Is there a MapServer tool for this?
> I have find something useful at, but this does not seem 
> to be free software (and we have to stick to GFOSS).
> Any hint would be appreciated.
> All the best.
> pc


there is a brillant postgres extension called "pgdijkstra" from 
camp2camp. You need postgres 8.0. It delivers an algorythm for 
calculating the shortest path - you also may alter this by other 
attributes, because you are in the database.

It's a horror to get the first data into the db (I can help) - if once 
done it is quite easy and afterwards it's easy to handle.



Mit freundlichen Grüssen aus Bonn,

Till Adams

*  released: AmeiN! ArcMap-Export-2-UMN  *
*        LiveLinux 'WebGIS on CD'        *
*        *


Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams
terrestris, H. Paulsen& T. Adams GbR
Siemensstr. 8 * 53121 Bonn
Tel.: 0228 962 899 52 * Fax.: 0228 962 899 57
info at *

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