
Stephan Holl holl at GDF-HANNOVER.DE
Thu Sep 22 02:00:12 PDT 2005

Hello Paolo, Till,

On Wed, 21 Sep 2005 19:03:25 +0200 Paolo Cavallini
<cavallini at FAUNALIA.IT> wrote:

> Thanks to all who responded. Quite reassuring to see that the
> solution I had in mind are those you suggested. 
> I never used the pg module; is it possible to define only one start
> and end point, or can I select multiple points?
> I have cursorily read the README, but could not find it.
> As Stephan pointed out, I would be inclined towards GRASS, but the
> database approach seems more compact. Anybody has tried both methods,
> and can arguments about respective merits?

I have not set up the proposed pgis-solution, but the GRASS-version.
It has some requirements to make it work. AFAIK it is currently
only doable on GNU/Linux machines with the latest gdal/ogr-code. Once
you have that set up you can use the GRASS-network-algorithms even on
data stored in pgis (using v.extrenal). 
The needed topology (which is actually a pseudo-topolgy) is stored
inside GRASS.

If you need further information about the GRASS-part, contact me.

Best regards


GDF Hannover - Solutions for spatial data analysis and remote sensing
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