Rubber Band

David Bitner osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 22 06:29:18 PDT 2005

Please tell us what code you are using to do the rubber band box drawing.
There are many clients out there that are used for this type of
interactivity (dbox, chameleon, cartoweb ...)

On 9/22/05, Andreas Nemmert <a.nemmert at> wrote:
> Hello list,
> When I start my map server application with firefox and I zoom by
> rectangle
> a nice Rubber Band is drawn but when I try to open my application with
> Internet Explorer it does not work at all.
> Can you give me hints, what I should make to get it work also on the IE?
> Or can you send mi a piece of code, so that it would be a bit clearer for
> me to understand how the Rubber Band works…
> Thank you!
> With the best regards!
> Andreas
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