Create ONE layer with some jpeg files

Virginie BERRE vberre at GI-PARIS.COM
Thu Sep 22 06:44:04 PDT 2005

Hi all !


I would like some help because I don't understand exactly the document
raster-howto  Rasters and Tile Indexing

I have 32 jpeg image files with 32 jgw files and I want to create a unique
layer in mapserver.

Could you please give me a mapfile example?




Best regards,


Virginie Berre / Ingénieur étude et développement

Générale d'Infographie

ZA Les Erables - Bâtiment 4

66, route de Sartrouville - F-78230 - LE PECQ

Tél : (33) (0) - Fax : (33) (0)

 <mailto:vberre at> mailto:vberre at



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