File permissions set randomly on Apache

Alan Hale alan.hale at BTCLICK.COM
Sun Sep 25 23:04:29 PDT 2005

Red Hat Linux Enterprise and Apache 2.
Permissions set as either rw-------  (600), rw-r--r-- (644) or rw-rw-rw-
(666). Out of last 28 images 20 were rw-------, 7 rw-r--r-- and
Many thanks
Alan Hale
Bryo Software Solutions 
Aberystwyth Wales

-----Original Message-----
From: Prashanth Ram [mailto:pram123 at] 

   Who/what are the file permissions set as? Also, what OS/apache


Mapserver Hosting, Mapscript Hosting, PHP Hosting
PostgreSQL w/PostGIS extension enabled Hosting

On 9/25/05, Alan Hale <HYPERLINK
"mailto:alan.hale at"alan.hale at> wrote: 

New to Mapserver and to this list. I've been doing some initial
development on IIS locally and now wanting to move to a remote (virtual)
host running Unix/Apache. Working OK except that the file permissions on
the map image files seem to be created with permissions varying, 
apparently at random, so that sometimes they are displayed, sometimes

I've checked the archives but not been able to fin this exact problem
described. Any help very welcome.

Alan Hale
Bryo Software Solutions 
Aberystwyth Wales

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