No subject

jakob jakob.nisell at MA.SLU.SE
Mon Sep 26 01:25:25 PDT 2005

I just intalled ms4w and managed to open the example map service from 
another machine by typing

in the adressfield of  webbrowser where jngis_port is the machine with my 
Howewer when I tried to open the service in Gaia ( the carbon project) or 
gives me an error message.
Gaia works from localhost but not the geoportal. Gaia from my other machine 
gives me the names of
the layers but not the image.  both my machines are inside the same firewall.
Does any one have a hint what I should do ?

Thanks Jakob Nisell

Jakob Nisell                    E-mail:jakob.nisell at
Inst. för Miljönalys            tel 018-673123
Box 7050                        fax 018-673156
S-750 07 Uppsala                homepage:

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