MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 24 Sep 2005 to 25 Sep 2005 (#2005-277)

shailesh gavavthe sgavathe at YAHOO.CO.IN
Mon Sep 26 08:58:48 PDT 2005

Hi All ,
I am a developing mapserver 4.60 with PHP.
My mapfiles has some polygon layers, Aerial Photos and Line layes.
One of Polygon layer which is Parcel Information covers the size of entire aerial Photos.
I want the Polygon layer (Hollow) and so that it can rest on the top of Aerial Photo.
I am also developing web application.
Could any one let me know, How will i be able to get the Polygon  Unfilled(Hollow) and resting on top of aerial Photo..
here is my Map File and the Order of the Layers is the one below..
 LAYER # All RASTER Layers TIFFIMAGE begin here ###########################
  #MINSCALE  2000
  MAXSCALE  20000 #750000
  NAME "EDWARDS-NorthEast"
  DATA "Aerial Photo\edwards_ne_ILS1.tif"
  OFFSITE 255 255 255
 END # layer ends here ---------------
  LAYER # All VECTOR Layers begins here 
    NAME         Parcel
        #"DESCRIPTION" "parcel_polygon"
        "DESCRIPTION" "Unplatted Parcel" 
        "RESULT_FIELDS" "PID ParcelName CalAcreage" 
    END # end of Metadata----------------
    DATA         "Unplatted Parcel\parcel_polygon.shp"
    TYPE         POLYGON
    #MAXSCALE     10000
      NAME 'Parcel'
      TEMPLATE "templates/Parcel.html"
         #COLOR 255 255 255
         SYMBOL 0
         COLOR  -1 -1 -1
         OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
      LABEL # start of label
         COLOR 0 0 0
         #SHADOWCOLOR 255 255 0
         #SHADOWSIZE 0 0
         FONT arial-bold
         SIZE 8
         ANGLE AUTO
         POSITION LC
         MINDISTANCE 300
         BUFFER 0
     END # end of label//////////////      
 END # layer ends here --------------- 
If i uncomment the OutlinecColor and comment Color , the selected layers becomes polyine.
And when i put Both of them uncommented, the shapefiles is filled polygon.
After that in the web application, the selcted layers is highlighted with filled polygon, But the aerial Photo becomes invisible, because Layer is Polygon and Filled.


I would really appreciate, if some one could have a solution on it.


Thanks in Advance..




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MAPSERVER-USERS automatic digest system <LISTSERV at LISTS.UMN.EDU> wrote:
   MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 24 Sep 2005 to 25 Sep 2005 (#2005-277)
Table of contents:
   WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML 
   File permissions set randomly on Apache (2) 

   WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML
      Re: WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML (09/25)
From: Armin Burger <armin.burger at GMX.NET>

   File permissions set randomly on Apache
      File permissions set randomly on Apache (09/25)
From: Alan Hale <alan.hale at BTCLICK.COM> 
      Re: File permissions set randomly on Apache (09/25)
From: Prashanth Ram <pram123 at GMAIL.COM>

 Browse the MAPSERVER-USERS online archives. Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 21:14:23 +0200
From: Armin Burger <armin.burger at GMX.NET>
Subject: Re: WMS, convert GetCapabilites XML to Map Context XML


thanks for the link. The Caps2Context.xsl is in fact for WMS. There seem 
to be just some small discrepancies between the output of the template 
and what the MapScript loadMapContext() function requires, but this 
needs just slight modification of the XSL.


Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:
> The mapbuilder project ( has a WFS
> Capabilities to WMC xsl in lib/tool/xsl/Caps2Context.xsl.
> There's one over at
> You can probably modify it for WMS, and hopefully contribute it to the
> project!
> Cheers
> ..Tom
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: UMN MapServer Users List 
>>[mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at] On Behalf Of Armin Burger
>>Sent: Saturday, 24 September, 2005 08:48
>>Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS, convert GetCapabilites 
>>XML to Map Context XML
>>Hi everybody,
>>MapScript offers the nice functionality to add WMS layers via a Map 
>>Context XML file.
>>I would like to convert the XML received from a 
>>GetCapabilites request 
>>into a Map Context XML document and load this Map Context XML file as 
>>layers into the map object. I think XSL transformation could 
>>be a good 
>>solution to do this conversion. Has anybody already worked on an XSLT 
>>template to convert the GetCapabilites XML into a Map Context 
>>XML document?
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 21:20:51 +0100
From: Alan Hale <alan.hale at BTCLICK.COM>
Subject: File permissions set randomly on Apache

New to Mapserver and to this list. I've been doing some initial
development on IIS locally and now wanting to move to a remote (virtual)
host running Unix/Apache. Working OK except that the file permissions on
the map image files seem to be created with permissions varying,
apparently at random, so that sometimes they are displayed, sometimes

I've checked the archives but not been able to fin this exact problem
described. Any help very welcome.

Alan Hale
Bryo Software Solutions
Aberystwyth Wales

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Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 18:14:24 -0400
From: Prashanth Ram <pram123 at GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: File permissions set randomly on Apache

   Who/what are the file permissions set as? Also, what OS/apache version? 


Mapserver Hosting, Mapscript Hosting, PHP Hosting
PostgreSQL w/PostGIS extension enabled Hosting

On 9/25/05, Alan Hale <alan.hale at> wrote:New to Mapserver and to this list. I've been doing some initial
development on IIS locally and now wanting to move to a remote (virtual)
host running Unix/Apache. Working OK except that the file permissions on
the map image files seem to be created with permissions varying, 
apparently at random, so that sometimes they are displayed, sometimes

I've checked the archives but not been able to fin this exact problem
described. Any help very welcome.

Alan Hale
Bryo Software Solutions 
Aberystwyth Wales

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Shailesh gavathe
516 ,St Johns Street,
Apt # 102,ypsilanti,
Ph : 734-482-0832
Yahoo! for Good
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