Problems using MapServer (4.6) in dotnet/c# environement with MapScript/SWIG

Tamas Szekeres szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU
Tue Sep 27 02:48:33 PDT 2005

The symptom described in

may also be a problem.

Tamas Szekeres

On Thu, 8 Sep 2005 05:42:46 -0500, Johan Hallgren
<johan.e.hallgren at WMDATA.SE> wrote:

>I have created a windows service that is listening on a port for incoming
>requests and from these maps are created. It all works fine on my own pc
>but on the server there are problems. The server has two processors that
>probably cause the problem (that’s the only significant difference I can
>see related to my pc). On the server, plane maps works well but as soon I
>add inline features to the map (at runtime with mapscript) problems arise.
>It’s not immediately but after 50 to 200 maps it could happen. I also
>tried to reload the mapObj from the sourcefile when I have problems but as
>soon I have an error in the process the error will stay there. Before I
>reload the mapObj I am calling Dispose on all references to the mapObj
>with no difference.
>My guess is:
>• The problem has to do with the multi-processor environment.
>• The mapObj will not be completely Dispose when I call the method.
>• The problem seams to occur even with low loading on the server.
>• The problem has to do with the inline features created at runtime.
>Has anyone suggestions on this?

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