[Chameleon] Getting ready to do a red hat install
Paul Spencer
pspencer at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Wed Sep 28 10:51:35 PDT 2005
you could try fgs (http://www.maptools.org/fgs/)
It is also possible (once you have fgs installed) to copy your ms4w/
apps and ms4w/httpd.d folders to your linux box and add an include in
the apache config to include all the httpd config files from ms4w.
Then to make ms4w apps work out of the box, you only need to create
an /ms4w/tmp and /ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp folder.
On 28-Sep-05, at 1:43 PM, Matthew Edmondson wrote:
> I've been working on a mapserver/chameleon app for approx. 2 months
> now. I've been working using a ms4w image on a win xp box. Now I'm
> getting ready to deploy it on a server running red hat linux. Are
> there sites/docs out there with a good general overview of
> everything ill need and tips on the compiling.
> With so many parts to my ms4w image (gdal,ogr,proj4 etc.) I'm sure
> that I'll forgot a few things and run into a few problems, so
> anything I could read before hand would be a great benefit.
> Thanks,
> Matt
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|Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca |
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