[Chameleon] Getting ready to do a red hat install

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Wed Sep 28 11:22:18 PDT 2005

Matthew Edmondson wrote:
> I would love to, but server admin wants to use his apache and php 
> installs. Would it be easier to download the fgs, and re-point 
> everything to use the install of apache and php, or would that be more 
> trouble then its worth.
> The server is quad processor, with 32 gigs of ram and could very well be 
> hit hard with usage, so I want to make sure everything is as stable as 
> possible.

The simplest alternative is to install FGS with its Apache running on 
port 8080, and then proxy to it from the main Apache server. All you 
need in this case is to add two lines to your main Apache server's config:

ProxyPass               /myapps/
ProxyPassReverse        /myapps/

The example above assumes that all your FGS apps are going to be 
published under http://your.server.name/myapps/, but you can change the 
URL path to anything you like.

We use this kind of setup to a lot and it is very stable and much easier 
to maintain than doing custom builds from scratch.

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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