Mapserver Extents

Oliver Ishmael oliver_ishmael at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 29 05:52:42 PDT 2005

Dear all,

Unfortunately, i'm still having the same problems with the extents. I used 
gdalinfo as directed to get the extents of my data layer (thanks for that!), 
however, when i enter these into my mapfile, the layer is still not visible.

Is there some kind a general guide for extents - i'm at a loss :(

Is the extent dependent upon any of the following: Min Max-scale; Scale 
units; or EPSG projection codes;

is there anyway to convert between coordinates and Decimal Degrees (and what 
general structure do these conform to...i have some cordinates which are 6 
figures and other mapfiles use 3 figure numbers for the extents).

Any help appreciated!


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