groups and WMS

Sean Gillies sgillies at FRII.COM
Thu Sep 29 13:07:08 PDT 2005

On Sep 29, 2005, at 12:54 PM, Armin Burger wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have a question about the behaviour of groups in a WMS. When I define
> 2 layers belonging to the same group, I see both layers nested under 
> the
> same group layer in the capabilities file.
> But I can only access the group as a WMS layer from a client. When I
> want to access the single layers belonging to that group I get an
> exception. That is in principal ok, but client programs might allow to
> select the single nested layers and the map will not be displayed
> because of the exception. Also the reason for grouping layers is quite
> often to have layers with different accuracy/resolution that should be
> swapped depending on the scale. So this should happen behind the scenes
> without the client noticing it.
> So my question is, why are the layers belonging to the same group
> displayed at all in the WMS capabilities if they cannot be used as
> single ones? Would it not make sense to just return the group as a WMS
> layer instead?
> Armin


I've been thinking about this too. In your case, I think it is a WMS 
client bug: you should be able to access any Layer no matter how deep 
it is nested.


Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii dot com

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