*** [shp2img] Error 1

William Kyngesburye woklist at KYNGCHAOS.COM
Tue Apr 11 06:26:15 PDT 2006

You're not specifying GDAL, and it isn't finding it, but something in  
shp2img needs it for some reason.

That aside, since you're using my Mac OS X packages (I assume), I  
plan to add python mapscript to my MapServer package.  It's not hard,  
I'm just waiting for the Universal MacPython to be finalized.  I  
could build a Python MapScript for the current stable MacPython 2.4.1  
right now, it just wouldn't work for Intel Macs.  Let me know if that  
works for you.

If you still want to plow ahead and rebuild MapServer... I noticed  
that you rebuilt the dependencies anyways (jpeg, proj, ...).  It is  
possible to rebuild MapServer using my binaries as a base, you just  
need to make a couple patches, since I don't include the static  
libraries that mapserver tries to detect.

Edit configure (BBEdit or TextWrangler is perfect for this, butif you  
know command line grep tools you can try that too) and do a grep find  
and replace (whole words, case sensitive is safest):

grep: (lib(png|jpeg|gd|proj|pdf|Xpm)).a
with: \1.dylib

also replace:


with nothing (that is, delete all ocurrences of it).

If you are using the latest Xcode (at least 2.2), there is  
anotherthing to fix.  Edit makefile.in and change the LD line to:

LD = @CXX@

Run configure with these options:

./configure --with-zlib=/usr --with-proj=/usr/local/gislibs --with- 
gdal=/usr/local/gislibs/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr --with-gd=/usr/ 
local/graphicslibs --with-png=/usr/local/graphicslibs --with-jpeg=/ 
usr/local/graphicslibs --with-freetype=/usr/local/graphicslibs/bin/ 
freetype-config --with-xpm=/usr/local/graphicslibs --with-pdf=/usr/ 
local/graphicslibs --with-ming=/usr/local/graphicslibs --with-geos=/ 
usr/local/gislibs/bin/geos-config --with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/ 
pg_config --with-wfs --with-wcs --with-wfsclient --with-wmsclient

Make, then go and build python mapscript.  No need to install the  
MapServer cgi and tools you just built.

On Apr 10, 2006, at 11:02 PM, Myunghwa Hwang wrote:

> From: Myunghwa Hwang <mhwang4 at uiuc.edu>
> Date: April 10, 2006 9:42:18 PM CDT
> To: mapserver-users at lists.umn.edu
> Subject: *** [shp2img] Error 1
> I'm a beginner in MapServer.
> I installed MapServer on Mac OS 4 by using binary version.
> But I need to use python mapscript, so I have to build  
> configuration file for mapserver.
> But when I tried to configure mapserver from source,
> I got the follwing error: I cannot understand why ..
> Please help me!
> geog32:/usr/local/src/mapserver-4.8.2 mhwang4$ ./configure --with- 
> jpeg=/usr/local/lib --with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/
> bin/pg_config --with-proj=/usr/local/proj-4.4.9 --with-httpd=/usr/ 
> sbin/httpd --with-freetype=/usr/X11R6 --with-png=/
> usr/local/lib --with-gd --with-gd=/usr/local

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos at kyngchaos.com>

"Those people who most want to rule people are, ipso-facto, those  
least suited to do it."

- A rule of the universe, from the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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