dotnet + mapserv cgi

Mike Saunt mikesaunt at GMAIL.COM
Mon Apr 17 04:41:39 PDT 2006

Hi Piero

We work with MapServer in a similar way (i.e. MapServer CGI + C# Wrapper to
build the URL and remember the state) I'd be very interested


On 17/04/06, piero.cavalieri at <piero.cavalieri at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I done simple application for .net (C#) using mapserver CGI, dbox (the
> 'old' one) and ajax. It's anytihing special (done mainly in raining
> weekends), it looks like gmap demo, but there is no postback at all
> (it's based on a free ajax library). I used xml files both for web
> template and query templates (also layers and extents are defined in a
> xml config file). It's only few lines of code, so it's simple to
> understand for beginners (like me!), and there's space to enache it
> (geocode, "continuos" panning like google maps, but I should study
> ka-map code for this, because I don't know how to solve labelling
> problem on the edges and client side caching, at the moment (and I know,
> I'll not have time for this...)). Also I would like to have it running
> with mono, before going on (time permitted...)
> Image: and img3.jpg
> If anyone interested I could publish code (I have to ask in company
> where I work, first, because we use this for a demo, sometimes).
> Cheers
>     Piero
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