help w/ WFS request

Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Tue Apr 18 11:41:49 PDT 2006

Hi John,

1) what Mapserver version are you using?
2) if you do a DescribeLayer request, what is the name of the geometry 
property (is it really the_geom like in your request)?

Mapserver's response indicates an empty feature collection, so the 
boundedBy is gml:null.

Best regards,

John Cartwright wrote:

> Hello All,
> I'm trying to get mapserver setup as a simple WFS server. It responds 
> to a GetCapabilities request OK:
> but when I send the following GetFeatures request:
> <wfs:GetFeature service="WFS" version="1.0.0"
>  outputFormat="GML2"
>  xmlns:wfs=""
>  xmlns:ogc=""
>  xmlns:gml=""
>  xmlns:xsi=""
>  xsi:schemaLocation="
>            ">
>  <wfs:Query typeName="soundings">
>    <ogc:Filter>
>      <ogc:BBOX>
>        <ogc:PropertyName>the_geom</ogc:PropertyName>
>        <gml:Box srsName="">
>           <gml:coordinates>-95,26.5 -94.75,26.75</gml:coordinates>
>        </gml:Box>
>      </ogc:BBOX>
>   </ogc:Filter>
>  </wfs:Query>
> </wfs:GetFeature>
> I get this response, and don't know what's wrong:
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
> <wfs:FeatureCollection
>   xmlns:ms=""
>   xmlns:wfs=""
>   xmlns:gml=""
>   xmlns:ogc=""
>   xmlns:xsi=""
>   xsi:schemaLocation=" 
>   <gml:boundedBy>
>      <gml:null>missing</gml:null>
>   </gml:boundedBy>
> </wfs:FeatureCollection>
> It suggests to me that the bounding box coordinates are not being 
> properly read. I would have expected something like in the response:
> <gml:boundedBy> <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
> <gml:coordinates> -95, 26.5 -94.75, 26.75</gml:coordinates>
> </gml:Box>
> </gml:boundedBy>
> followed by a series of featureMember elements.
> Can someone tell what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks!
> -- john

Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS

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