Ka-Map sample application with MS4W v. 1.5.0

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI
Thu Apr 20 04:39:37 PDT 2006

I used to have some of my own mapfiles added to ka-Map sample application and they worked fine with MS4W version 1.4.1. Now when I installed MS4W version 1.5.0 those are not working anymore, not even the GMap75 application. Might there be some principal difference between these versions that makes ka-Map sample application unusable, or is it just some minory thing? I have already changed the line $szPHPMapScriptModule = 'php_mapscript_46.'.PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX in ka-Map-0.2 config.php to refer to php_mapscript_48 but that did not help too much. The ka-Map sample applications user interface opens but the kaMap selection window remains empty.
By the way, the Oracle connection in MS4W works just great, thank you for that.
Jukka Rahkonen

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