MS4W IIS oracle spatial problem

Lemay, Dominic Dominic.Lemay at MTQ.GOUV.QC.CA
Thu Apr 20 14:28:56 PDT 2006

Hi all, 


while using the Apache server, I manage to connect me to Oracle Spatial and
to obtain a map with a GetMap request.


Whit IIS, as soon as I copy the files of "" coming from "Hobu' S
Kitchen Sink" in the "C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin" directory, I always get this
error when I ask a GetMap request with IIS: 

Cgi Error: 

The specified cgi application misbehaved by not returning has complete set
of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:


The problem seems to be on the level of IIS since it goes well with Apache.
I followed the directives contained in this document "IIS Setup for
MapServer/Chameleon/PhpPgAdmin".  I use windows XP Pro with IIS 5.1.



Any ideas ?






Dominic Lemay

Intélec Géomatique Inc.

* (418) 380-2005 poste 232

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