Symbol file reader.

Nicol Hermann mapserver at GEOWORLD.DE
Mon Apr 24 12:02:19 PDT 2006

There ist a bug report on sym2img in Bugzilla


Am Montag, den 24.04.2006, 13:48 -0500 schrieb Steve Lime:
> There was sym2img in the mapserver distribution, but it is not working. I suppose
> that could be fixed up in relatively short order.
> Steve
> >>> Bob Basques <bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US> 4/24/2006 11:32:48 AM >>>
> All,
> does anyone know of a generic Symbol file reader?  Something that would 
> build a image, or images, from a symbol file?   I want to set up 
> something for maintaining a symbol file by many individuals, is there 
> something out there already like this?
> I would prefer a CGI version of something if possible, where instead of 
> map=<path>, something like symbols=<path>.
> Is there any utility for this out there already?  Something standalone.
> Failing this, how about a method in the MAP files that just cycles 
> through all the symbols automatically as a form of legend output.
> Thanks
> bobb

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