Select lists
D.Stone at ED.AC.UK
Fri Apr 28 03:58:21 PDT 2006
Hi - I have a problem with select lists in MapServer 4.8.3 CGI.
The template containing my interactive map is modelled on the 4.6 tutorial,
so it contains select lists for the layers to display and the mode (defined
CGI variables); also a list of location types (a 'user-defined' variable).
I find that if I make (possibly multiple) selections from the 'layers' list,
then when I call MapServer to re-draw the map, the selected list entries are
still highlighted.
However, for the 'mode' and 'location type' select lists, nothing I do seems
to render the selections 'sticky' across a call of MapServer. This might be
expected for the user-defined variable, but not 'mode'.
The HTML is:
<!-- the list of layers to choose from -->
<OPTION VALUE="parish_labels" [parish_labels_select]> Parish
<OPTION VALUE="parish" [parish_select]> Parish boundaries</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="saint_dedications" [saint_dedications_select]>
Dedication types</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="grid" [grid_select]> Graticule</OPTION>
Select map mode: <BR>
<OPTION VALUE="browse" [browse_select]> Browse</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="query" [query_select]> Query 1 Layer</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="nquery" [nquery_select]> Query Multiple Layers</OPTION>
Select type of dedication to plot on map: <BR>
<select name='dtype' size=3 id='dtype' onchange='create_qstring()'>
<option value=''> -- please select from this list --</option>
<option VALUE='Aisle'> Aisle</option>
<option VALUE='Altar dedication'> Altar dedication</option>
<option VALUE='Bell'> Bell</option>
- - - - etc.
Any suggestions gratefully received....
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