Fwd: Sabbatical funding opportunity (fwd)
Brent Wood
pcreso at PCRESO.COM
Sun Apr 30 16:26:22 PDT 2006
This may be of interest to some people on this list, especially those with some
experience in this area, such as the DM Solutions staff involved with GoMMap
and other mapping portals.
I'm peripherally involved with helping implement the New Zealand OBIS node,
which, unfortunately, is not mapserver based.
Brent Wood
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
> Subject: Sabbatical funding opportunity
> CenSeam E-News
> Census of Marine Life sabbatical funding opportunity - joint ocean
> biogeographic information system (OBIS) - Ocean.US project
> The Census of Marine Life and Ocean.US are jointly offering a short-term
> (e.g., one semester) sabbatical or part-time fellowship opportunity to
> work on a Joint Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)-Ocean.US
> Project. One goal of the joint project is to understand better the human
> resource needs and organizational arrangements in Ocean.US to have a
> system that provides outstanding services on data about living marine
> resources. A second goal is to lead by example, i.e., to develop,
> implement, and document software required for the integration of the
> OBIS global systematic, ecological, and environmental data with IOOS
> data. For more information about this unique opportunity and
> application procedure, please see the full position description at
> http://coml.us/?anchor=coml_us_funding_opportunities.
> --
> Mireille Consalvey
> National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research,
> Private Bag 14--901,
> Wellington,
> New Zealand
> Phone: +64 4 386 0853 (or ext. 8589) FAX: +64 4 386 0574
> CenSeam: a Global Census of Marine Life on Seamounts - part of the worldwide
> Census of Marine Life (CoML).
> CoML is a growing global network of researchers in more than 70 nations
> engaged in a ten-year initiative to assess and
> explain the diversity, distribution and abundance of marine life in the
> oceans past, present and future.
> Visit the CenSeam webpage at http://censeam.niwa.co.nz/
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