Getting field values from a point using mapscript

Paulo Alves johnny.alves at GMAIL.COM
Tue Aug 1 12:24:00 PDT 2006

Hello! I'm using ms4w under winxp. I want to get information about a point
and show it in a popup.
here is a part of my code:


 $extent_to_html = $map->extent->minx." ".$map->extent->miny." "
              .$map->extent->maxx." ".$map->extent->maxy;

$my_point = ms_newpointObj();

/* if we are selecting a click */

if ( isset($_REQUEST["zoom"]) && $_REQUEST["zoom"]=="query") {

        $dfKeyMapXMin = $map->extent->minx;
        $dfKeyMapYMin = $map->extent->miny;
        $dfKeyMapXMax = $map->extent->maxx;
        $dfKeyMapYMax = $map->extent->maxy;

        $dfWidthPix = doubleval($image->width);
        $dfHeightPix = doubleval($image->height);

        $nClickGeoX = GMapPix2Geo($_REQUEST['mapa_x'], 0, $dfWidthPix,
                                   $dfKeyMapXMax, 0);
        $nClickGeoY = GMapPix2Geo($_REQUEST["mapa_y"], 0, $dfHeightPix,
                                  $dfKeyMapYMax, 1);

    $my_point = ms_newpointObj();

    $uLayer->queryByPoint($my_point, MS_SINGLE, 200);

    $results = $uLayer->{resultcache};

    $rslt = $uLayer->getResult(0);

    $database_id2 = $rslt->{shapeindex};
    echo $database_id;
    echo $database_id2;
    $foo = $uLayer->{numresults};
    echo $foo;
    // always -1


I  receive the shapeindex of the point correctly, but how i can get the
value of the fields and show it in a new window?

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