Open Source GIS San Diego Gathering (OSG-SD) - Tuesday, August 8th, 6:30pm - 9

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Aug 2 08:13:40 PDT 2006

Perhaps you could add this as an upcoming event on the MapServer

>>> dnrg <dananrg at YAHOO.COM> 8/2/2006 5:02:00 AM >>>
Open Source GIS San Diego Gathering (OSG-SD) -
Tuesday, August 8th, 6:30pm

You are cordially invited to an Open Source GIS
gathering in San Diego.

WHEN:             Tuesday, August 8th 2006, 6:30pm to

WHERE:	Visualization Lab, San Diego State University ( )

WHY:               To introduce geospatial
professionals to free open source complements to
commercial GIS software

ADMISSION:     Free, as in free beer. However, space
in the lab is limited. Please contact Dana Nibby to be
added to our
                        mailing list:
danaspatial at 
FOOD:              Free, as in free beer, pizza and
soda will be provided.

DIRECTIONS:    Driving - 
		Directions using public transportation to follow.


* 6:30pm to 6:59pm - Doors open. Socializing
* 7:00pm to 7:14pm - Welcome / Introduction
* 7:15pm to 7:44pm - Presentation 1 (need presenter -
preferred topic: Introduction to Open Source GIS
                               Please contact Dana
Nibby if you are interested in presenting:
danaspatial at 

* 7:45pm to 8:14pm - Presentation 2 (need presenter -
preferred topic: MapServer + PostGIS)
		       Please contact Dana Nibby if you are
interested in presenting: danaspatial at 

* 8:15pm to 8:45pm - Open discussion on planning a
larger event for 2007
* 9:00pm to 10:00pm - Beer social at _________. (BYOB
- Buy Your Own Beverage)

For more information, please check the following web
site in the days leading up to the event:


Thanks very much and hope to see you there. Please
RSVP if you wish to attend, or can assist:
danaspatial at 

Please forward this notice on and help get the word
out. Post to other lists. Tell your friends.

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