Extent of several (500+) TIFF images

Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Wed Aug 16 08:32:28 EDT 2006

Use ogrinfo on the tileindex shape file. OGR is the vector part of GDAL.

Best regards,

Bruno Patini Furtado wrote:

> I'm using a layer of more than 500 tiff files containing DEM 
> information of a great area. I have created a tile index of all these 
> maps using the gdaltindex program to use as a layer in my mapfile. It 
> generated a .shp file along with a .dbf as expected.
> I'm having problems to find the proper EXTENT to my map file that will 
> for the moment only use the layer described above. Is there any easy 
> way to get full extent of these images or shapefile? The utility 
> program gdalinfo gives me proper information to build the extent of a 
> single raster file, but I'm not aware of a tool that gives this kind 
> of information of a shape file.
> I've tried to use OpenJUMP [http://openjump.org] to hover the mouse 
> over the min and max points of the shapefile but I had no success 
> using the coordinates it gave me.
> Any suggestions?
> -- 
> "Minds are like parachutes, they work best when open."
> Bruno Patini Furtado
> Software Developer
> webpage: http://bpfurtado.net
> software development blog: http://bpfurtado.livejournal.com 

Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS

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