Raster - TIF vs JPG

Matthew Perry perrygeo at GMAIL.COM
Mon Aug 21 13:31:16 EDT 2006


On 8/21/06, Léveillé, James <James.Leveille at mtq.gouv.qc.ca> wrote:
> I have about 4 000 georeferenced images.
> I can use either TIF (with overviews) or JPG format.
> Which one should I use with MapServer ?
> Which one offers the most performance ?

My personal experience is that standard JPGs are the absolute worst
format in terms of performance. Conversely, tiffs (especially when
tiled with gdaltindex and creating overviews with gdaladdo) are the
fastest but also take up the most disk space.

If disk space is at a premium, you might also want to research ECW or
JPEG2000 compression as these are closer to jpg in file size, but can
be lossless quality and pretty fast rendering.

Matt Perry
perrygeo at gmail.com

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