MapServer as WMS - GetFeatureInfo

robert fritz robert-fritz at WEB.DE
Thu Aug 24 08:52:02 EDT 2006


i configured my mapserver as a WMS server. UDIG or ArcGIS are showing the layers from the wms server but I do not get any results using the UDIG / ArcGIS info-tool.

I prepared an GetFeatureInfo Request as URL and as a result I get the attribute information. But it seems, that the result is send as plain text and not as GML. Maybe the WMS Client expects GML/XML data instead of plain text?

The map-file layers definition contains the "DUMP true" parameter – the "wms_feature_info_mime_type" is not set.  I thought, that the attribute data of the GetFeatureInfo Request is send as GML? 

My GetFeatureInfo Request:,5680307,2576827,5688446&WIDTH=500&HEIGHT=520&LAYERS=fs&FORMAT=image/gif&FEATURE_COUNT=1&QUERY_LAYERS=fs&X=250&Y=260&

and the result is:

GetFeatureInfo results:

Layer 'FS'
  Feature 3911: 
    OBJEKTNUMM = 'W0010RU'
    FOLIENCODE = '001'
    FOLIENNAME = 'Flurstücke'
    OBJEKTARTC = '0233'
    OBJEKTARTN = 'Flurstück, - Flurstücksgrenze, - Flurstücksnummer'
    OBJEKTPUNK = '2572585.327,5684357.866,0'
    MODELLTYP = ''
    ENTSTEHDAT = '26.09.01'
    ALK_NR = 'FS00000000800024000'
    GEMARKUNG = '2222'
    FLUR = '008'
    ZAEHLER = '24'
    NENNER = '0'
    DARSTELLUN = '24'

What can I do? I want to see the attribute data in UDIG or ArcGIS.

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