legend template crash with fast CGI

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Thu Aug 24 07:46:02 PDT 2006

If you are on Linux then you could perhaps capture the URL of the 
request that causes the crash, and then run it under Valgrind 
(http://valgrind.org/) at the command line using something like:

valgrind ./mapserv QUERY_STRING="map=....."

You get the value of QUERY_STRING from the URL that causes the crash.

If Valgrind reports errors then I suggest you create a bug report with 
the Valgrind output and a test case to reproduce (including mapfile, 
test dataset, etc. and the query_string that causes the crash).

BTW, I would suggest that you test this against the latest 4.10 beta 
before reporting a bug.


miguel coladas wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> first i'm spanish, so sorry for my english.
> I'm using mapserver (4.8.3) in fast CGI mode (apache 2.0.59, 
> mod_fastcgi/2.4.2). I'm having some problems with this configuration 
> when i want use the legend template option.
> In the legend template file, when I put "[leg_layer_html opt_flag=1]" 
> the legend works correctly. However, when I put "[leg_layer_html 
> opt_flag=2]" mapserver crashes. In CGI mode, the same legend works 
> correctly. Other modes (map, query... works correctly too).
> The error_log of apache server:
> [Mon Aug 21 18:16:43 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of 
> script headers: mapserv
> I think this is a bug with mapserver in fast CGI mode. Can anyone help 
> me out with this?
> Many thanks,
>     Miguel Coladas

Daniel Morissette

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