dBox with mode=itemquery or itemnquery

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM
Tue Aug 29 19:10:45 PDT 2006


Nice stuff. Thanks for sharing it. I was just looking at JSON a couple
dyas ago so it is quite timely.


> I know this is a bit of an old message, but I thought I'd just say
> that I've just started using JSON in my templates, and I'm very
> satisfied with how it works.
> In this case, the template would look something like this:
> {
>   img: '[img]',
>   shp: [ [shpminx], [shpminy], [shpmaxx], [shpmaxy] ],
>   queryfile: '[queryfile]'
> }
> And my function to parse the template looks like this:
> AJAX_getMapObject = function (content) {
>     var mapobj;
>     try {
>         var code = "(// " + content + ")";
>         mapobj = eval(code);
>     } catch (e) {
>         alert("eval failed: " + e.message);
>     }
>     if (typeof mapobj == "undefined") {
>         alert("Could not create mapobject:\n" + req.responseText);
>     }
>     return mapobj;
> };
> You invoke it with the responseText from the XMLHttpRequest-object, like this:
> var result = AJAX_getMapObject(req.responseText);
> and the variables are now available as properties on result:
> var img = result.img;
> var shpminx = result.shp[0];
> etc.
> I also use this on the main requests (i.e. when the user zooms or pans
> the map), and that template looks like this:
> // start template
> {
>   mapserver: {
>     version: '[version]',
>     id:      '[id]',
>     host:    '[host]',
>     port:    '[port]',
>     errmsg:  decodeURIComponent('[errmsg_esc]')
>   },
>   image: {
>     center:   '[center]',
>     center_x: '[center_x]',
>     center_y: '[center_y]',
>     mapsize:  '[mapsize]',
>     mapwidth: '[mapwidth]',
>     scale:    '[scale]',
>     cellsize: '[cellsize]'
>   },
>   file: {
>     img:       '[img]',
>     ref:       '[ref]',
>     legend:    '[legend]',
>     scalebar:  '[scalebar]',
>     queryfile: '[queryfile]',
>     map:       '[map]'
>   },
>   map: {
>     mapx:   '[mapx]',
>     mapy:   '[mapy]',
>     maplon: '[maplon]',
>     maplat: '[maplat]',
>     dx:     '[dx]',
>     dy:     '[dy]',
>     mapext:        [ [minx],    [miny],    [maxx],    [maxy]    ],
>     rawext:        [ [rawminx], [rawminy], [rawmaxx], [rawmaxy] ],
>     mapext_latlon: [ [minlon],  [minlat],  [maxlon],  [maxlat]  ],
>     refext:        '[refext]'.split(' '),
>     mapext_str:        '[mapext]',
>     rawext_str:        '[rawext]',
>     mapext_latlon_str: '[mapext_latlon]',
>     refext_str:        '[refext]'
>   },
>   layer: {
>     layers:        decodeURIComponent('[layers_esc]').split(' '),
>     toogle_layers: decodeURIComponent('[toggle_layers_esc]').split(' ')
>   },
> }
> // end template
> With this template, I get an object that contains all the variables
> that are available from mapserver (except the dynamic ones, of course,
> but as far as I can tell, those are only necessary in a completely
> javascript-free application.
> I'm using decodeURIComponent() combined with the _esc-variant of the
> variables that could contain ', to prevent syntax errors during eval().
> --
> Trond Michelsen

Richard Greenwood
richard.greenwood at gmail.com

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