Postgis sequential scan and query performance

P. S. Brannan brannan at BRANNANSOFTWARE.COM
Wed Aug 30 16:00:12 EDT 2006

I just imported a bunch of tiger data into postgres. I am using 
mapserver as the frontend. Everything is working fine except for the 
performance. The query performance is terrible and I can't seem to get 
postgresql to use the index i created. Here's what's going on:

Index Creation:
create index idx_completechain_wkb_geometry on completechain using 
gist(wkb_geometry gist_geometry_ops);
vacuum analyze;

Vacuum Analyze:
explain analyze SELECT 
from completechain
WHERE wkb_geometry && setSRID('BOX3D(-90.6004589271402 
38.8267482378407)'::BOX3D,find_srid('','completechain','wkb_geometry') );

 Seq Scan on completechain  (cost=0.00..275502.54 rows=90839 width=186) 
(actual time=10718.879..55686.238 rows=103159 loops=1)
   Filter: (wkb_geometry && 
 Total runtime: 55973.870 ms
(3 rows)

Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get postgres to use the index? 
I'm sure that I'm missing something obvious.


Patrick Brannan

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