Cascading WMS-T

Tim Schaub noreply at GEOCARTIC.COM
Sat Dec 2 11:45:47 PST 2006

> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Cascading WMS-T

I was reminded that only keeps pastes for 24 hours, so I'm posting
the details again.

Basically, I'm trying to cascade a WMS-T layer.  If I include a
"wms_timeitem" in the layer metadata, no request is made to the source WMS.
If I don't have a "wms_timeitem" in the layer metadata, a request is made to
the source WMS - but it doesn't include the TIME parameter.

I assume that I am missing something in my mapfile.

Sample mapfile:
Sample script:

Whole bundle:

Thanks for any tips,

> Hello-
> I'm trying to set up a WMS that acts as a server and client 
> for a layer with
> time support.  I want to draw from the JPL WMS and serve up 
> the data in a
> different projection.
> My layer definition includes the time metadata:
>         "wms_timeitem" "TIME"
>         "wms_timeextent" "2006-01-01/2006-09-22/P1D"
>         "wms_timedefault" "2006-05-27"
>         "wms_timeformat" "YYYY-MM-DD"
> (Full mapfile here:
> Using shp2img, I get the output I'd expect (without any TIME 
> parameter).
> With python mapscript, the request (to jpl) is not made 
> unless I comment out
> the wms_timeitem metadata.  With the metadata included, no 
> request is made.
> Without that line of metadata, a request is made (without the TIME
> parameter).
> A quick python script to reproduce this is copied below (and here:
> Is this not the correct way to cascade WMS-T?
> Thanks for any help,
> Tim
> import mapscript
> map = mapscript.mapObj('')
> req = mapscript.OWSRequest()
> req.setParameter('SERVICE', 'WMS')
> req.setParameter('VERSION', '1.1.1')
> req.setParameter('REQUEST', 'GetMap')
> req.setParameter('LAYERS', 'daily_terra')
> req.setParameter('TIME', '2006-05-25')
> req.setParameter('STYLES', '')
> req.setParameter('EXCEPTIONS', 'application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage')
> req.setParameter('FORMAT', 'image/jpeg')
> req.setParameter('SRS', 'EPSG:26912')
> req.setParameter('BBOX', '504000,4852000,568000,4916000')
> req.setParameter('WIDTH', '256')
> req.setParameter('HEIGHT', '256')
> mapscript.msIO_installStdoutToBuffer()
> map.OWSDispatch(req)
> content_type = mapscript.msIO_stripStdoutBufferContentType()
> content = mapscript.msIO_getStdoutBufferBytes()
> image = file('wmst.png', 'wb')
> image.write(content)
> image.close()

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