MapScript - Show numbered coordinates as numbered dots on a map

Martijn van Exel M.vanExel at BRIDGIS.NL
Mon Dec 4 02:16:22 PST 2006

Dear scripters,


I have a tab-separated text file containing numbered points (number / x
/ y). I want to parse this file and put the points on the map as
numbered dots. How do I go about doing this in (C#) MapScript? Can I
determine the size of the dots and the size, font and colour of the
numbers? Can I make the numbers appear centered inside the dots?


Much appreciated,

Met vriendelijke groeten, 
Bridgis B.V. 
Martijn van Exel 
Manager Data Service Centre 
Sint Walburgkerkpad 3 
4001 MG  Tiel 
T (0344) 63 62 42 
M (06) 534 75 786 
*Vraag een nieuwe DSP-licentie aan via* 


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