TIFF rendering suffering in quality

John B. Churchill jchurchill at AL.UMCES.EDU
Mon Dec 4 11:51:03 PST 2006

	I'm new to the list and also very new to MAPSERVER.  Please bear with 
me.  I've started a map by replacing the ITASCA DEMO data with my own 
data.  I'm having some trouble getting a DOQQ tif (true color) image to 
display a reasonable image.   I've been reading about using the 
OUTPUTFORMAT tag to tweek the way the output image looks (e.g. 24-bit). 
  Can anyone help me figure out how I can best display this TIFF format 

See My Description of the problem and my CODE here:

Please send any advice to me or to the list.


John B. Churchill, M.S.			http://alx.al.umces.edu/~jchurch/
GIS Specialist
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Appalachian Laboratory			http://www.al.umces.edu/
Environmental Science Education		http://alese.al.umces.edu/

301 Braddock Road			
Frostburg, MD 21532			
FAX - (301) 689-7200

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