Θέμα: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] truetype fonts problem...
korakas koarkis
korakas2004 at YAHOO.GR
Mon Dec 11 03:58:05 PST 2006
Thanks for the quick repsonses.
I used an absolute path to the fontset.txt:
arial C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\gp\font\arial.ttf
and in the map file I refer only to arial truetype fonts but the problem remains!
msGetLabelSize(): TrueType Font error. Requested font (arial) not found.
Also the arial.ttf file is a copy from the C:\windows\fonts directory so it is not corrupt..
boice tomlin <boice at runskip.com> έγραψε:
I would start by using an absolute path to the fontset.txt file to see if the relative path is the problem.
Then I would try using just one font in the list and see if you can get that working. If it can find the arial font but not the arialbd then maybe that font file is corrupt.
On Dec 8, 2006, at 12:02 PM, korakas koarkis wrote:
Hi all,
I want to use true type fonts in my maps and I am using the following setup:
a "font" folder with: arial.ttf arialbd.ttf.
also in this folder is placed the fontset.txt:
arial arial.ttf
arialbd arialbd.ttf
and finally in my map file
FONTSET "..\font\fontset.txt"
TYPE truetype
FONT arialbd
but the mapserver produces ::
msGetLabelSize(): TrueType Font error. Requested font (arialbd) not found.
I am completely stuck here.
The mapserver sees the fontset.txt, (if i rename it it produces an repsective error message) but it can not read the aliases!
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boice tomlin
boice at runskip.com
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