dbox print function

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Fri Dec 15 09:54:41 PST 2006

Sam: The URL for the current map is held in ms.url, so you should be able to do something

  d.write("<img name=\"the_map\" src=\"" + ms.url + "\">");


>>> Sam Young <samnyoung at HOTMAIL.COM> 12/13/2006 4:22:10 PM >>>
I am trying to add a print function to my dbox application and I don't know 
how to get the map image to show up in the new window I am creating.

This is my print function:
<script language="JavaScript">
	 function printmap() {
		var w = window.open();
		var d = w.document;
		d.write("<h3>Printable Map</h3>");
		d.write("<img name=\"scalebar_miles\" src=\"" + ms.mapserver + "?map=" +
		+ "&mode=scalebar&mapext=0+0+" + (ms.extent[2] - ms.extent[0]) + "+" + 
(ms.extent[3] - ms.extent[1]) + "&mapsize="
		+ ms.width + "+" + ms.height + "\" border=\"0\">");
		d.write("<img id=\"main\" src=\"../graphics/white_pixel.gif\" height=\"" + 
mapsizey + "\" width=\"" + mapsizex + "\">");

I added this to the tools to access the function:
<a href="javascript:printmap()" >
  <img src="/graphics/print_icon.gif" width="30" height="30" border="0" 
alt="print" /></a>

Thanks for the help.


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