limiting significant digits on labels

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Dec 18 15:24:30 PST 2006

That RFC is related to template presentation only. It was only later
that I thought
about it's use elsewhere. Performance in a template setting is fine,
labeling a 1000
features is another matter.

This is another case where your data adapter concept might be of use.
There's nothing
that says it has to be limited to the spatial component of a feature.
Any progress to
that end?


>>> "Tamas Szekeres" <szekerest at> 12/15/2006 5:32:42 PM >>>

This RFC has escaped my notice a bit because the title does not
reflect this behaviour exactly, apologies. Could you confirm that the
performance of this issue is sufficient in most cases?

With regard to the bug mentioned, I've been considering this problem
was unintentional and seemed to be trivial how to fix it. And even the
code could have been much straightforward.
(Maybe Frank can explain us why is it more appealing as it stands?)

Best Regards,


2006/12/16, Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at>:
> My idea at the moment would be to extend the [item...] tag that
> is supported (see RFC 9)
> so it can be used in the TEXT element of a class. Besides setting
> significant digits you can also
> commify numbers, and we could add to it. In the end you could do:
>   TEXT '[item name=area precision=2 commify=true] acres'
> This would work for all providers.
> Steve
> >>> Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at GMAIL.COM> 12/15/2006 4:41:12 PM >>>
> Jim,
> This problem also applies to the OGR data provider and that's why
> following bug:
> was posted.
> Best Regards,
> Tamas Szekeres
> 2006/12/15, Jim Manning <jmanning at>:
> > My numeric labels appear as, for example, "5.40000000000". How do
> > specify a format so they look like "5.4"?
> > My first post ever to a listserv.  I hope it is ok.
> > -JiM.
> >

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