alpha transparency and querymap

Jim White jbw2003 at EARTHLINK.NET
Mon Dec 18 20:25:11 PST 2006


I have used the first solution, and it does work using $map->draw() and 
in rgba mode. Here is my code that uses filter.

if (isset($key_counties) && !empty($key_counties)){
   $filter = "(ogc_fid = {$key_counties[0]})";
   for($i=1; $i<count($key_counties); $i++){
      $filter .= " or (ogc_fid = {$key_counties[$i]})";
   $this_layer = $map->getLayerByName('counties_q');
   $this_layer->set('status', MS_ON);

Thanks a lot for the assistance.


Steve Lime wrote:
> How many search results are you seeing on average? There are a couple
> of
> work arounds:
> 1  - one would be to use the result set to craft a filter for the
> layer(s) in question
> so that only those features that match the filter get drawn
> 2 - another would be to add the features to the layer or a copy of the
> layer  (e.g. 
> use inline features instead of the datasource)
> In both cases you'd use $map->draw() instead of drawQuery() and would
> avoid
> the alpha blending problem. Option one would work nicely if you have
> relatively
> few (less than 20) features, while the other would work well in any
> case.
> Steve

Jim White
Biodiversity and Spatial Information Center
North Carolina State University

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