Linux vs windows

P Kishor punkish at EIDESIS.ORG
Wed Dec 20 13:21:35 PST 2006

On 12/20/06, Gary Watry <watry at> wrote:
> I have several sites up and running on a Windows 2003 server and may
> have to move to a Linux network. How hard is it to change from The
> Windows to the Linux OS for MapServer

How hard it is depends on how well you know Linux. Depending on your
Linux flavor and configuration, you may or may not have to compile
MapServer from source code (that is, if pre-compiled binaries
satisfying your needs are not available). If your application itself
is pure CGI then, provided you have MapServer installed correctly, you
should have little problem. Of course, you will have to redefine your
data paths and what not. Sorry, but this answer can't be more specific
than this as the question itself is not specific enough.

> Steve Lime, What would I have to change on your application to  run it
> on Linux

I am not sure which application of Steve you are referring to... I am
assuming MapServer, no? In that case, your question is answered above.

Hope this helps.

Puneet Kishor
Nelson Inst. for Env. Studies, UW-Madison
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
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