Mike Saunt mikesaunt at GMAIL.COM
Wed Dec 20 15:29:35 PST 2006

Hi All

Wondering about the users out there who have had experience with ArcSDE +
FastCGI with IIS or with Apache

We got it all going today which we were very happy about!

I'm wondering if anyone has experience with the setting up of the FASTCGI /
IIS - we got there eventually (and we'll document and post our experiences)
but we're now wondering whether the combination of the three will be the
best or whether we should move ArcSDE / FastCGI / MapServer CGI across onto
Apache - still running on Windows.  Bascially FastCGI processes seem to bomb
out every now and then (says SDE client memory errors, network errors) and
I'm wondering whether the FastCGI on IIS is the most stable.  When looking
at the mapserv.exe processes in the Task Manager they increase in memory
until they drop out.

There seems to have been alot more experiences of FastCGI on Apache...

Any thoughts / insights appreciated.

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