accessing postgis colum type as integers instead of strings

Dave Potts dave.potts at PINAN.CO.UK
Sat Dec 23 00:42:55 PST 2006

When ever I attempt to access a colum in a postgis database, the data 
type always seems to come back as type ::text, the field I am trying is 
access in an integer.

Looking at the post gis database driver( mappostgis.c) it seems that the 
data type is always going to be selected as type ::text.

My problem is that the data type being accessed is a integer and it 
seems to be impossible to compare this value as a number instead of a 
string in an EXPRESSION statment  any suggestions?

I have already tried using the postgres to_char function with no luck, 
trying to use " force both values to strings did'nt help either.

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