Use of % in a varible name

Dave Potts dave.potts at PINAN.CO.UK
Sat Dec 23 15:59:25 PST 2006

Hi Folks

I know its possible to use the string syntax  '%foo%'  where is foo is 
an input value from a httml <input type="hidden" name="foo" value="haggis"

is it possible to use a numerical value with the same syntax ?


                   %foo% lt 50000


<input type="hidden" name="foo" value="5000"

Line 326 of mapparser.y( map server 4.10) seems to indicate for 
numerical expressions a % is always used as an operator

I am trying to pass a varible in to a cgi version of mapscript and do a 
numerical comparsion

 From the documntation it appears that saying

    expression "[foo]" gt "5000" will not work as expected, is this 
correct ?/


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