[MSF-Discuss] Poll: Foundation Naming

Blammo bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Wed Feb 1 06:45:27 PST 2006


Just to mix it up a bit.  (and it's probably been said already, I can't 
believe I just came up with it)

How about :

"Open Geo Foundation"  -  OGF

I didn't do any comprehensive searches, but a quick Google doesn't turn 
up anything confusing for OGF

It's short, not cute at all, says it all, and seems to address 
everything I've read this morning.


Frank Warmerdam wrote:

>On 2/1/06, Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell at shaw.ca> wrote:
>>I also think that "open source" carries some weight but some of it is 'bad'
>>weight.  There are very ambitious marketing campaigns that malign "open
>>source" and other campaigns that seem to aim to twist the term "open" until
>>it is meaningless.  While open source is a central philosophy to the
>>foundation, it is something we identify with, but not something we need to
>>cling to for identifying us.  Our projects will have plenty of merits apart
>>from our licensing philosophy.
>In my opinion "Open Source" or "Free (as in freedom)" is the
>fundamental philosophy of the foundation.  As much as some
>might try and malign open source, I don't think we can in way
>shy away from it.  It may not need to be in the name, but it needs
>to be in the first paragraph on the web site.
>Furthermore, if it came down to an acronym type name, I
>would *much* prefer OSGF (Open Source Geospatial Foundation)
>to OGSF (Open Geospatial Software Foundation) as the later
>loses the assurance that the software is truely free.   Open is
>easily abused, but "Open Source" can be given a specific meaning
>by reference to the OSD (Open Source Definition).
>To further stress this point, I think it ought to be written into the
>"constitution" that the foundation itself only adopts projects that
>have OSI approved licenses, and that the foundation board
>shall not have the power to alter foundation owned code to a non
>OSI license.
>I think it is rare that I get sticky about FOSS political correctness
>but as we set down the bedrock of our foundation I think it is
>important to have this principle clear.
>Best regards,
>I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
>light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
>and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
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>discuss at lists.mapserverfoundation.org
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