Ricaille Tanguy tanguy.ricaille at TRASYS.LU
Wed Feb 1 06:13:11 PST 2006

Hello, i am beginner with Mapserver and OGIS (and my english also, sorry for
I have read some informations around WFS, WMS and WCS.
I think it is possible to ask to a OpenGis server (so, mapserver) to get
features informations using a xml request file. It is in GML format, if i
understand, and it looks like:
<wfs:GetFeature service="WFS" version="1.0.0" outputFormat="GML2" ...various
    <wfs:Query typeName="..
(found on the web).

Am i wright ?
Is it possible, i only found documentations around mapscritp, or
Php/mapscript ?
What is the coverage of the OGC specification in mapserver ?

Really great thanks.
Ricaille Tanguy.

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