Adding user specific layers(dynamically)

Raj Singh info2005 at RAJSINGH.ORG
Thu Feb 2 06:53:11 PST 2006

I think you are solving the problem correctly. At least I've taken the same
route for solving this problem. The easiest way to go about it is to define
a .map file with all the information in it you want--even a "false"
layer--to start with. Then in PHPMapscript replace the values that change
dynamically, like the layer data source and bounding box. This way you don't
have to do all the styling in your code.


On 2/1/06 3:38 PM, "Eduard Witteveen" <e.witteveen at HAWARIT.COM> wrote:

> Currently i'm working on a way to provide the user the possibility to
> define his own layer in mapserver.
> Basically this means that the user can define a sql query and provide a
> theme which defines the way it is shown in the map(the class information
> from the layer)
> For this i first tried to make a mapfile which used database values for
> the "keys", apparently this could not be done.
> Currently i'm writing a wms-server in php, since i want to add layer
> information to the result(it needs a additional query and style
> parameter that create a new layer, further it just works like a "normal"
> wms-server).
> I have the idea that i'm not solving this problem the correct way. Can
> anyone give me some pointers on this?

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